Delivery Informatiom
FREE Delivery for purchases made within the US.
Once an item has been purchased you will receive an email confirmation when the item ships out to you. Our goal is to get your order filled and on its way within 5-8 business days. You will receive a tracking number so you can track your package.
All of our orders are delivered through the USPS. Depending on where you live, it generally takes 5-8 days for delivery.
Delivery out of the USA, will take longer, as your purchase will go through customs and it can take anywhere from 1 week to 4 weeks.
All items are delivered in discreet packaging, in a plain small box that does not display any information about the type of product being delivered.
While it has not happened yet, If for any reason it takes longer to ship your order, we will notify you by email and provide the exact day of shipment.
Please note we are not responsible for shipments that have been confirmed as "delivered" by the USPS. If you are not going to be home to receive your package, you should arrange for someone else to receive it or make other arrangements with your local post office.